Thursday, June 28, 2012


I missed class today due to a really bad fever I’ve had for the pas two days. I hope I didn’t miss a lot in class because that would really impact my grade negatively.
This class is coming to an end. It was a fun class to say the least. I never dreaded coming to class like I would my other English classes at SF State. Most class meetings were interesting and intuitive. For a four hour long night class it seemed more like a two hour long night class which is a plus. I have had other night classes at SF State from previous semesters that were two and half hours to three hours long and two a week which I really hated but had to take it because it was the only available class that had slots still open.
I actually learned a lot in this class in such a short time. I learned how to become a better writing by analyzing my own writing process which seemed weird and awkward thing to do at first, learned the difference between business and personal writing and when to use which, learned about what Discourses are, interesting film called exit through the gift shop which showed me the origin of street art and how street art become popularized, and as well as many other things.  
A rough draft of the last paper is due on Monday about “How to write like…” and I still haven’t selected which author I am going to write it on. I’m leaning towards Klosterman because I understand his writings more. Also I like his writings more for example his very first article Debriefing Agent Zero which talks about Gilbert Arenas the professional NBA basketball player and his other article talking about eating mc Donald’s for seven days straight and surviving to live another day.  


  1. Hey hope you are feeling better soon. You didn't missed much. Just make sure you come prepared to present on Monday and bring your rough draft for peer review.

  2. Yeah, this class seems to fly by. I kinda wish I took Prof. G during the regular semester so that there's more time for him to critique my writing. I feel that 4 weeks is too short of a time for me to become a better writer. I'm probably gonna write about Klosterman too for the last essay because of the same reason you stated. This last essay is gonna suck

  3. Yeah I liked Klosterman the best too. I loved all his essays. The Agent Zero was intersting because Arenas was drafted by the warriors so we saw his upbringing as a fan. The McNuggets was interesting because that was my favorite junk food meal as a kid and how he compared it to Super-Size me was interesting too and how he said it was possibly fake. Good Luck on the last essay.
