Tuesday, June 19, 2012


            I found the Tony Mirabelli – Learning to Serve article really interesting because I was one of those who had the misconception that it doesn’t take a lot of skills to be a waiter or waitress but after reading the article I think it does take skill. While it may not be obvious it does take some skill level to interpret and communicate with customers and other restaurant workers. If it were so easy then why not just let little kids do the job, right? Literacy skills come in play in all levels of communication.
            This auto ethnography is somewhat stressing me out because my transcript didn’t turn out like I thought it would have. My recording only lasted thirty five minutes and there was a lot of silence and mumbling. I guess my writing process is very quiet… I still haven’t finished my auto ethnography either yet. Hopefully, I’ll have it done by Tuesday night and just spend time editing and reviewing it on Wednesday morning.  
            In class today we discussed about the differences of personal and business writing and when to use which. The cover letter was very funny with the halokilla email, hella, and gaming all night. I thought it was a pretty good cover letter minus the errors. I also thought it’s a coin flip on whether or not he should of added how his GPA went from 1.6 to 2.6. Some people won’t take you seriously with an average GPA like that. I would know because my current GPA is 2.75….horrible. Accounting is one hard major.
            I thought the yelp reviews were hilarious and easy to understand. Yelp is a good website in my opinion. I visit it a lot when I can’t think of a place to eat.
 The three letter assignment does seem to be something that’s going to be fun to write. I look forward to writing them.   

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