Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First Day Of Class. (6/4/12)

     Today was the first day of my last English course requirement at SFSU before I graduate.
The first day went smoothly. The class was smaller than I thought which was a good thing because it's easy to learn in smaller classes. The professor was dynamic in the way that he wanted to help the students
learn unlike my previous English professors. In the very first activity all the students had to write a fact about themselves which was unique or unexpected of them to have. I wrote something just off the top of my head instead I wished I would of wrote the time I went drunk river rafting near Sacrament, CA. Going river rafting with ten friends with two rafts while half of you guys are drunk and/or don't know how to swim wasn't such a bright idea. That was one unforgettable experience to say that least. After we finished that activity we broke up into groups and presented a shot story that was assigned to your group. My group got Superman and Me by Sherman Alexie. Overall, I thought it was a good story because of the main points it had like how stereotypes are difficult to break down and opportunities are always there but not always easy. Finally we finished the class with a diagnostic two page writing assignment on your writing experiences and what you would like to take away from the class once you've finished it. What I wanted to take away from this course was simply to become a better writer. I've always had trouble beginning and finishing essays for my English classes because there's really no direction or way you could go. English is in a way free. You can come at a topic from various point of views unlike mathematical equations which usually one has one clear way of solving it and answer. I didn't want to compare English to math because it's typical and redundant. I just hope by the end of this class I can write like a college graduate should be able to write. 

1 comment:

  1. My hope for this class is just to pass it...math and English are totally different class..they do not have any similarity at all
