Monday, June 25, 2012


Today in class we turned in our three letter assignment. It was actually really fun doing it which is unusual for me because I usually find English homework and paper assignments a pain to do. The easiest one was probably the yelp review letter because there weren’t really any rules when it came to writing it. The hardest one would probably be the one addressing my friend about that problem because I wanted to get my point across but in a friendly way which was weird. What I learned from this assignment is that you write based on who your audience is. You write for your audience to please them not yourself.
 Now when it comes to the presentations I am lost. My presentation is this Wednesday and I still haven’t started yet which isn’t a good thing at all. I still have no idea on which author to pick for my presentation. Hopefully, ill get things moving by tonight or tomorrow morning!
I thought everyone who presented today did very well. I like the last one which was about how the story moves and starts in different parts. Somewhat like a puzzle in a sense.
There are only two more classes left together. Time has passed by so fast it seemed like we just started this class yesterday but in actually it’s been almost a month.  
I think the final paper will be a pretty interesting paper to do to say the least. I would like to learn what makes theses writers so professional and unique.  Maybe that will help me become a better writer myself when I do.  If you know the recipe then you’re not that far from the dish. I have trouble with some of the writers readings though because of the jargon and diction. I guess I’ll just have to reread it  more thoroughly and use a dictionary.


  1. I found the three letter assignment fun as well. We get to trash the bookstore and go all out on the yelp review haha. It was a good learning experience as well. To be able to know how to write for a certain type of audience. Which is very important!

    I was so lost when I was working on my presentation as well! I just read our assignment prompt and saw that Paul thought it would be cool for us to choose an author is our field. Mine is science. I don't know. What is your favorite book? And then choose that author.

    Time has gone by so fast! The final paper is interesting but also looks very hard.

    Good luck with your presentation!

  2. I have not pick the author yet...
