Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I like the readings that were assigned for homework. They
didn't make me feel stupid because I could clearly understand and relate
to them in one way or another. My favorite one was probably the
first reading we had to do which was about the shitty first drafts. I learned
that even professional writers have trouble getting started. Overall I learned that
writers write because it's something they love to do, almost everybody has trouble
writing in the beginning, reading can take you take you away to a far far place, and
don't let your inner critic stop you from writing or anything else for that matter that you want
to pursue.

Today is the first day of the NBA finals which the Miami Heat will play the
Oklahoma Thunder. Thunder are favored to win this year but I'm rooting for the Heat
because my one of my favorite players Dwayne Wade is on that team roster. I hope that
the games will be exciting to watch! I think that Heat will win in seven games also. Lebron needs
to win it this year or else he'll be even more criticized and hated on than he already is. 

I still have a sketchy feeling of how my first major paper will turn out because my recording
of myself during my writing process only lasted about 20-25mins. I'm a quick writer unless I have no
idea what to write. I'll work with what I got I guess.

The PIE information Paul taught in class today was very informative and helpful. I felt sad for the bulls after learning that they're not actually that aggressive and mean while writing our PIE in class. I was on YouTube after coming home from class and searched some videos of it. It was terrible and awful to see how they torture and ridicule the bull to make them act like that. Learn something new everyday I guess.

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