Friday, June 22, 2012


            Our first paper was due today. I feel good about it. It gave me a lot of insight on my writing process and what I could improve on. I don’t really edit my paper while I’m in the process of writing it. I just continue writing until I’ve reach the desired amount of pages for the assignment which isn’t a good thing.
            In the beginning of class we had to give a synopsis of the article that the Paul handed out. I agreed with the article that literacy and writing are changing because of the audience and technology. I never really knew which side she was on though whether she was for the change or against it. She made a lot of valid points though about how technology allowed literacy to change through mediums such as facebok status, texting, and yelp.
            Later we watched a movie called Exit through the Gift Shop. I thought the movie was really good yet boring at times. I almost fell asleep several times while watching it. One neat thing I learned from the movie was the origin and creator of the clothing brand Obey and how they got they’re logo which was the face of Andre the giant from wrestling.
            The three letter assignment is due on Monday and I’m looking forward to doing it because it seems interesting and something I would have to do in the future. The presentation is also due next week. I chose to do on Wednesday because I want to put more time into the writing for the three letter assignment. I still haven’t chosen my writer. First writer that comes to mind is Amy Tan but that’s way too obvious and predictable. I’ll probably pick a popular writer, one of which I’m familiar with.
            On another side note….Miami Heat won the NBA playoffs today!


  1. I also didn't get which side the author stand whether she believes that technology had changed literacy in a good way or bad. In my opinion, I neither agree or disagree. However I'm only admitting to the part that definitely technology had played a big part in our literacy, especially in this generation.

  2. I think she was on the technology side. It seemed she was backing up literacy due to technology making it so much more popular now a days and how more people write now a days more than ever because of technology. It might cause bad writing, but that writing is only meant for a certain audience who will understand that type of writing, and it's not bad to them, and since it's for them that is what is most important. Yeah Heat won in 5, nuts LeBron Finally got his title, I expected it to go at least 6 or 7 games.

  3. I am confused with the movie,too

  4. I wish I could just write straight through without editing! I always find myself going back and making so many changes.

    I think she meant how now that with all the technology people are writing more, because now there are so many outlets for people to express themselves with their writing. As opposed to before no one would write outside of school work as such. It also helped people know how to write for which audience. She showed in her study that it didn't affect their academic writing either.

    Oh everyone I know wanted the Heat to lose hah. But me I only watch Baseball and Hockey.
