Thursday, June 7, 2012

6/6/12 Homework Blog Post.

Today was the second day of class. It went by very fast for an English course
compared to my previous English courses at SFSU.

We had two reading assignments that we had to read before class that evening.
I read the first one Perl and found it to be some what informative and confusing at the same time.
What I took away from reading Perl is that bad writers tend to write in a pattern and not
just randomly putting things together. It's very normal for a person to do things in a pattern or routine.

The second assignment we had to read was based on the group you were put into. I was put into the group
were we had to read about Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer which was really confusing to me while reading it. It's about a study of how a professional writer's writing process occurs. Based on the information the professional writer Donald M. Murray did little to none revisions but spend most of his time planning it all out.

Towards the end of class we got to hear four writers tell their stories from online audio. I liked all of them because they were either something I could relate to or picture in my mind clearly. I found the last one to be funny because during my childhood when Pokemon was at it's very peak of popularity I wanted to go to Pokemon card battles but never did.

After that Paul informed us about our first major paper. I found paper to be different but in a weird way. It's going to be weird just recording yourself during the process of writing your reflective paper because when I write my papers it takes a while.. Also they're might be curse words, long pauses, and random stuff. I tend to multitask when I write my papers like I'll probably have Microsoft word open but also watching t.v., eating, or listening to music. I guess I'm one of those who have writer's block.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry you are not alone. I too, feel the same way about the Perl's article that it was really hard to understand and kind of boring.

    I get writer's block all the time. My suggestion is to try not to do too many things at once.
